Alumni Spotlight

Cori Frankenberg Meixner

Why did you choose your major? 

When I first entered college, I didn’t have my mind set in one specific direction. There were multiple career avenues I wanted to explore, so when I chose Communication, I felt confident that it would provide the most versatility and open a plethora of different doors.

How did your major help prepare you for what you are doing now? 

The variety of courses provided a well-rounded experience, which allowed me to enhance my resume and obtain valuable internships. I was able to network with esteemed alumni and learn from communications leaders.                          

What do you feel is special about the Communication Studies program?  

The professors I had at NIU made my goals their own. I truly felt they wanted me to succeed as much as I wanted to. As a student-athlete with a vigorous soccer schedule, they worked with me to ensure I wouldn’t miss out on imperative lessons and work. 

Why would you recommend the Communication Studies program to other students? 

The diversity and amiability of the Communication Department, led by a devoted staff, allows students to pursue a multitude of different career paths and provide extensive training once you’ve narrowed down your professional goals. 

Is there anything you would like to tell prospective students?  

The biggest roadblock in your career is your own mind. Stay positive, stay involved, keep working and know you are not alone on this journey. There are outlets and networks to help, use them!

B.A. Communication Studies, 2014

Director of Community Relations, Minnesota United FC